Monday, December 18, 2017

TMTG 089: The "X Factor"

TMTG 089: The "X Factor"

How to Focus Training Solo, Free Course Release & Bellator KB
What you can expect discussed in the podcast episode:
*Creativity at its core.
*The benefits of solo training vs training in a group or with a coach.
*How to get a perfect blend of all training.
*Why you may be selling yourself short.
*Why you may not be improving your technique at the best of your potential.
*Philosophical lessons
*The Heavy Bag Training Manual & my creative process behind it.
*and much, much more.

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Monday, December 4, 2017

TMTG 088: Muay Thai in the Olympics with Thiago Azeredo

TMTG 088: Muay Thai in the Olympics with Thiago Azeredo

Muay Thai in the Olympics of 2024? Perhaps.

Paul Banasiak and I will are live on the podcast with US Muay Thai Open - USMTO's director and founder of Siam Fight Productions Thiago Azeredo to discuss:*Qualifications for the National Team*Olympics 2024*The Growth and Unification of the Sport*The Vision and Mission of the USMTO / USMF*Creating the Next Superstar

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