Sunday, June 19, 2016

TMTG 037: 5 Risks to Take to Gain Respect, Success, and Happiness

The Muay Thai Guys Podcast - Episode 37

Muay Thai is a risky endeavor in itself, and as a calculated human beings it has taught us to take risks that have shaped us into who we are today. 

Risk is a reward in itself - despite the result you learn a lot about yourself, that you are willing to take a shot at greatness, at something better - no one has ever become extraordinary by playing it safe. Paul and I discuss the 5 risks we've taken to get to where we are today in our careers/life, which include:
  1. Living off the Beaten Path - Living in a world without a set blueprint proves to be difficult, but it also proves to be truly fulfilling and rewarding in terms of happiness, success, and the respect you receive from others.
  2. Short Notice Opportunities - You have very little time to think about this, as human beings we are able to place less of a burden on an event that we haven't had a lot of time to analyze or think about. ("It is not always the best in the world that day that wins, but the best who shows up")
  3. Leaving Your Job to Pursue Your Passion - It can be a scary thing leaving a "stable" job to pursue your "crazy" dreams, but without taking the leap and truly going 100% in it will be extremely difficult to accomplish your ultimate goals.
  4. Separating Yourself from the Old (Habits, Friends, and Relationships) - In order to evolve we must move forward, with this many of the habits, friends, and relationships you once held begin to dissipate. It is a risk as you may lose a connection you feel like you "owe", a coach who started you off, a friend who was there for you, and a relationship in which you once had something special.
  5. Putting Yourself Out There - Being vulnerable and sharing your insecurities can be hard to do. But being able to share your story (whether good OR bad) is a great way to build a network of likeminded people who will help you stay on the right path towards your goals. 

Click here or the podcast player at the top to listen to the entire episode!

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