Saturday, February 20, 2016

TMTG 023: Your Muay Thai Environment: How It Can Make or Break You

The Muay Thai Guys Podcast - Episode 23

“We are all products of our environment; every person we meet, every new experience or adventure, every book we read, touches and changes us, making us the unique being we are.”
- C.J. Heck
sean-angela-mia-kristaAs a Muay Thai addict it can be hard to find the right type of environment to immerse yourself in.

Not everyone will understand why you train or why you would want to fight, and not everyone (even family and friends) will support you when you're pursuing your passion.

This is a constant battle that many of us face when pursuing a career that is out of the social norm. So how do we avoid falling into the plans that others have for us and stay on the path towards our true dreams?

In the latest Muay Thai Guys Podcast, Paul ( and Sean discuss in details 5 key environmental factors that play a major role in the direction of your life:
  1. Your Gym - This will be your second family so making sure that your training partners and coaches are on the same wave length as you will be crucial to your success.
  2. Your Friends - Some friends can push you to become a better version or yourself while others can distract you from your goals.
  3. Your Family - In a perfect world your parents and siblings will understand why you train Muay Thai, but chances are they won't. Having a supportive family that believes in your craziness is hard to come by.
  4. Your Relationships - Are you lucky enough to have a significant other who pushes you and is there for you through the ups and downs of your fight career?
  5. Media, Distractions etc. - It's extremely easy to get lost in the wormhole of social media and outside distractions. Learn how to become more aware of your mindless habits so you can change them into more productive ones.
Click here or the podcast player at the top to listen to the entire episode!
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Have any questions or suggestions for future podcast topics? Contact Sean or reach out to Paul on Muay Thai Athlete or comment below with your ideas and maybe your topic will be covered in the next episode!

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