Sunday, August 30, 2015

TMTG 004: Mental Training Tips and Strategies For Muay Thai

The Muay Thai Guys Podcast - Episode 4

The mind is arguably the most powerful and influential tool in helping you be the best Nak Muay you can be. Yet so many people neglect to set the time aside to focus on muay thai mental training tips actual mental training exercises. In this podcast episode, Paul and I discuss the mental side of Muay Thai and how we prepare ourselves for fight night.
  • How we deal with nerves and emotions before our fights.
  • Different mental training techniques we use to get focused in on training or a fight.
  • Why visualization and meditation are great additions to your daily routine.
  • How challenging yourself in uncomfortable situations will make you mentally and physically stronger.
  • And much more.
Also search "Muay Thai" on iTunes or your podcast app to find and subscribe to our podcast!

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Sunday, August 16, 2015

TMTG 003: Weight Cutting Tips and Methods

The Muay Thai Guys – Episode 3

Click Here or on the podcast player at the top of the page to listen to The Muay Thai Guys Podcast: Weight Cutting Tips and Methods

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Sunday, August 9, 2015

TMTG 002: Top 5 Cross-Training Methods for Muay Thai

The Muay Thai Guys Podcast – Episode 2

Training Muay Thai 24/7 can get very mundane and boring, so implementing other forms of training is key if you want to avoid hitting any plateaus.

Sean and Paul talk about their favorite cross-trianing methods and discuss the pros and cons of each.

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